Crafting Compassion: Launch or Re-Vitalize a Prayer Shawl Ministry

In the hustle of everyday pastoral care, sometimes a tangible symbol of comfort can make all the difference. For congregations blessed with skilled knitters and crocheters, the formation of a prayer shawl ministry can foster a sense of community and support within the church. … More Crafting Compassion: Launch or Re-Vitalize a Prayer Shawl Ministry

Holistic Healing: Bridging the Gap Between Ancient Wisdom and Modern Wellness

Christian healing isn’t always miraculous. In the twenty-first century, healing in Christianity might take a more mundane, practical approach. Good health requires good nutrition, proper exercise, adequate sleep, and the ability to cope with stress and challenges. … More Holistic Healing: Bridging the Gap Between Ancient Wisdom and Modern Wellness

Youth Spirituality and the Importance of Time in Nature

Spending time outdoors, in the natural world, is a time-honored part of Christian spirituality.  We feel refreshed, we are able to put our problems in better perspective, and we are able to find peace in places with birds (instead of tweets) chirping.  We know that Jesus, Moses, and other major figures in scripture spent time … More Youth Spirituality and the Importance of Time in Nature